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Complete Venus Equilateral (1976) SSC Page 20
Complete Venus Equilateral (1976) SSC Read online
Page 20
The door opened and Chuck Thomas and Walt Franks entered.
“How’re our playthings?” asked Walt.
“Cockeyed-looking gadgets,” Chuck commented.
“Take a good look at ‘em,” said Channing. “Might make some working X-ray plates, too. It was a lucky day that these got here before the boys from Terran Electric. I doubt that they’d permit that.”
“O.K.,” said Chuck. “I’ll bring the X-ray up here and make some pix. We’ll want working prints; Warren will have to take ‘em and hang dimensions on to fit.”
“And we,” said fanning to Walt Franks, “will go to our respective offices and wait until the Terran Electric representatives get here.”
The ship that came with the tubes took off from the landing stage, and as it passed their observation dome, it caught Don’s eye. “There goes our project for the week,” he said.
“Huh?” asked Walt.
“He’s been like that ever since we tracked him down on the Ariadne,” said Arden.
“I mean the detection of driver radiation,” said Channing.
“Project for the week?” Walt asked. “Brother, we’ve been tinkering with that idea for months now.”
“Well,” said Don, “there go four drivers, all batting out umpty-ump begawatts of something. They can hang a couple of G on a six-hundred-foot hull for hours and hours. The radiation they emit must be detectable; don’t tell me that such power is not.”
“The interplanetary companies have been tinkering with drivers for years and years,” said Walt. “They’ve never detected it?”
“Could be, but there are a couple of facts that I’d like to point out. One is that they’re not interested in detection. They only want the best in driver efficiency. Another thing is that the radiation from the drivers is sufficient to ionize atmosphere into a dull red glow that persists for several minutes. Next item is the fact that we on Venus Equilateral should be able to invent a detector; we’ve been tinkering with detectors long enough. Oh, I’ll admit that it is secondary electronics—”
“Huh? That’s a new one on me.”
“It isn’t electronics,” said Channing. “It’s sub-etheric or something like that. We’ll call it subelectronics for lack of anything else. But we should be able to detect it somehow.”
“Suppose there is nothing to detect?”
“That smacks of one hundred percent efficiency,” laughed Don. “Impossible.”
“How about an electric heater?” Arden asked. “Oh, Lord, Arden, an electric heater is the most ineffic—”
“Is it?” interrupted Arden with a smile. “What happens to radiation when intercepted?”
“Turns to heat, of course.”
“That takes care of the radiation output,” said Arden. “Now, how about electrical losses?”
“Also heat.”
“Then everything that goes into an electric heater emerges as heat,” said Arden.
“I get it.” Walt laughed. “Efficiency depends on what you hope to get. If what you want is losses, anything that is a total loss is one hundred percent efficient. Set your machine up to waste power and it becomes one hundred percent efficient as long as there is nothing coming from the machine that doesn’t count as waste.”
“Fine point for arguing,” smiled Channing. “But anything that will make atmosphere glow^ dull red after the passage of a ship will have enough waste to detect. Don’t tell me that the red glow enhances the drive.”
The door opened again and Chuck Thomas came in with a crew of men. They ignored the three, and started to hang heavy cloth around the walls and ceiling. Chuck watched the installation of the barrier cloth, and then said: “Beat it—if you want any young Channings!”
Arden, at least, had the grace to blush.
The tall, slender man handed Don an envelope full of credentials. “I’m Wesley Farrell,” he said. “Glad to have a chance to work out here with you fellows.”
“Glad to have you,” said Don. He looked at the other man.
“This is Mark Kingman.”
“How do you do?” said Channing.
Kingman did not impress Channing as being a person whose presence in a gathering would be demanded with gracious shouts of glee.
“Mr. Kingman is an attorney for Terran Electric,” Wesley explained.
Kingman’s pedestal was lowered by Channing.
“My purpose,” said Kingman, “is to represent my company’s interest in the transmission tube.”
“In what way?” asked Don.
“Messrs. Baler and Carroll sold their discovery to Terran Electric outright. We have an iron-bound patent on the device and/or any developments of the device. We hold absolute control over the transmission tube, and therefore may dictate all terms on which it is to be used.”
“I understand. You know, of course, that our interest in the transmission tube is purely academic.”
“I have been told that. We’re not too certain that we approve. Our laboratories are capable of any investigation you may desire, and we prefer that such investigations be conducted under our supervision.”
“We are not going to encroach on your power rights,” explained Channing.
“Naturally,” said Kingman in a parsimonious manner. “But should you develop a new use for the device, we shall have to demand that we have complete rights.”
“Isn’t that a bit high-handed?” asked Don.
“We think not. It is our right.”
“You’re trained technically?”
“Not at all. I am a lawyer, not an engineer. Dr. Far-fell will take care of the technical aspects of the device.”
“And in looking out for your interests, what will you require?”
“Daily reports from your group. Daily conferences with your legal department. These reports should be prepared prior to the day’s work, so that I may discuss with the legal department the right of Terran Electric to permit or disapprove the acts.”
“You understand that there may be a lot of times when something discovered at ten o’clock may change the entire program by ten oh six?”
“That may be,” said Kingman, “but my original statements must be adhered to, otherwise I am authorized to remove the devices from your possession. I will go this far however: if you discover something that will change your program for the day, I will then call an immediate conference which should hurry your program instead of waiting until the following morning for the decision.”
“Thanks,” said Channing dryly. “First, may we take X-ray prints of the devices?”
“No. Terran Electric will furnish you with blueprints which we consider suitable.” Kingman paused for a moment. “I shall expect the complete program of tomorrow’s experiments by five o’clock this evening.”
Kingman left, and Wes Farrell smiled uncertainly. “Shall we begin making the list?”
“Might as well,” said Channing. “But, how do you lay out a complete experimental program for twelve hours ahead?”
“It’s a new one on me, too,” said Farrell.
“Well, come on. I’ll get Walt Franks, and we’ll begin.”
“I wonder if it might not be desirable for Kingman to sit in on these program-settings?” Channing said, after a moment of staring at the page before him.
“I suggested that to him. He said ‘No.’ He prefers his information in writing.”
Walt came in on the last words. Channing brought Franks up-to-date and Walt said: “But why should he want a written program if he’s going to disallow certain ideas?”
“Sounds to me like he’s perfectly willing to let us suggest certain lines of endeavor; he may decide that they look good enough to have the Terran Electric labs try, themselves,” said Channing.
Wes Farrell looked uncomfortable.
“I have half a notion to toss him out,” Channing told Farrell. “I also have half a notion to make miniatures of this tube and go ahead and work regardless of Kingman or Terran Electric. O.K.,
Wes, we won’t do anything illegal. We’ll begin by making our list.”
“What is your intention?” Wes asked.
“We hope that these tubes will enable us to detect driver radiation, which will ultimately permit us to open ship-to-ship two-way communications.”
“May I ask how you hope to do this?”
“Sure. We’re going to cut and try. No one knows a thing about the level of driver energy; we’ve selected a name for it: subelectronics. The driver tube is akin to this transmission tube, if what I’ve been able to collect on the subject is authentic. By using the transmission tube—”
“Your belief is interesting. I’ve failed to see any connection between our tube and the driver tube.”
“Oh, sure,” said Channing expansively. I’ll admit that the similarity is of the same order as the similarity between an incandescent lamp and a ten-dynode electron multiplier such as we use in our final beam stages. But recall this business of the cathode-dynode. In both, the emitting surface is bombarded by electrons from electron guns. They both require changing.”
“I know that, but the driver cathode disintegrates at a rate of loss that is terrific compared to the loss of emitting surface in the transmission tube.”
The driver cathode is worth about two hundred G-hours. But remember, there is no input to the driver such as you have in the transmission tube. The power from the driver comes from the disintegration of the cathode surface—there isn’t a ten thousandth of an inch of plating on the inside of the tube to show where it went. But the transmission tube has an input, and the tube itself merely transduces this power to some level of radiation for transmission. It is re-transduced again for use. But the thing is this: your tube is the only thing that we know of that will accept subelectronic energy and use it. If the driver and the transmission tubes are similar in operational spectrum, we may be able to detect driver radiation by some modification.”
“That sounds interesting,” said Wes. “I’ll be darned glad to give you a lift.”
“Isn’t that beyond your job?” asked Channing.
“Yeah,” drawled Farrell, “but could you stand by and watch me work on a beam transmitter?”
“Then don’t expect me to watch without getting my fingers dirty,” said Farrell cheerfully. “Sitting around in a place like this would drive me nuts without something to do.”
“O.K., then.” Don smiled. “We’ll start off by building about a dozen miniatures. We’ll make ‘em about six inches long—we’re not going to handle much power, you know. That’s first.”
Kingman viewed the list with distaste. “There are a number of items here which I may not allow,” he said.
“For instance?” asked Channing with lifted eyebrows.
“One, the manufacture or fabrication of power transmission tubes by anyone except Terran Electric is forbidden. Two, your purpose in wanting to make tubes is not clearly set forth. Three, the circuit in which you intend to use these tubes is unorthodox, arid must be clearly and fully drawn and listed.”
“Oh, spinach! How can we list and draw a circuit that is still in the embryonic stage?”
“Then clarify it. Until then I shall withhold permission.”
“But look, Mr. Kingman, we’re going to develop this circuit as we go along.”
“You mean that you’re going to fumble your way through this investigation?”
“We do not consider a cut-andtry program as rumbling,” said Walt Franks.
“I am beginning to believe that your research department has not the ability to reduce your problems to a precise science,” said Kingman coldly.
“Name me a precise science,” snapped Channing, “or even a precise art!”
“The legal trade is as precise as any. Everything we do is done according to legal precedent.”
“I see. And when there is no precedent?”
“Then we all decide upon the proper course, and establish a precedent.”
“But I’ve got to show you a complete circuit before you’ll permit me to go ahead?”
“That’s not all. Your program must not include reproducing these tubes either in miniature or in full size—or larger. Give me your requirements and I shall request Terran Electric to perform the fabrication.”
“Look, Kingman, Venus Equilateral has facilities to build as good a tube as Terran Electric. I might even say better, since our business includes the use, maintenance, and development of radio tubes; your tubes are not too different from ours. Plus the fact that we can whack out six in one day, while it will take seventy-three hours to get ‘em here after they’re built on Terra.”
“I’m sorry, but the legal meaning of the patent is clear. Where is your legal department?”
“We have three. One on each of the Inner Planets.”
“I’ll request you to have a legal representative come to the station so that I may confer with him. One with power of attorney to act for you.”
“Sorry,” said Channing coldly. “I wouldn’t permit any attorney to act without my supervision.”
“That’s rather a backward attitude,” said Kingman. “I shall still insist on conducting my business with one of the legal mind.”
“O.K. We’ll have Peterman come out from Terra. But he’ll still be under my supervision.”
“As you wish. I may still exert my prerogative and remove the tubes from your possession.”
“You may find that hard to do,” said Channing.
“That’s illegal!”
Maybe, no, it won’t be. You may enter the laboratory at any time and remove the tubes. Of course, if you are without technical training you may find it most difficult to disconnect the tubes without getting across a few thousand volts. That might be uncomfortable.”
“Are you threatening me?” said Kingman, bristling. His stocky frame didn’t take to bristling very well, and he lost considerable prestige in the act.
“Not at all. I’m just issuing a fair warning that the signs that say DANGER! HIGH VOLTAGE! are not there for appearance.”
“Sounds like a threat to me.”
“Have I threatened you? It sounds to me as though I were more than anxious for your welfare. Any threat of which you speak is utterly without grounds, and is a figment of your imagination; based upon distrust of Venus Equilateral, and the personnel of Venus Equilateral Relay Station.”
Kingman shut up. He went down the list, marking off items here and there. While he was marking, Channing scribbled a circuit and listed the parts. He handed it over as Kingman finished.
“This is your circuit?” asked the lawyer skeptically.
“I shall have to ask for an explanation of the symbols involved.”
“I shall be happy to present you with a book on essential radio technique,” offered Channing. “A perusal of which will place you in possession of considerable knowledge. Will that suffice?”
“I believe so. I cannot understand how, being uncertain of your steps a few minutes ago, you are now presenting me with a circuit of your intended experiment.”
“The circuit is, of course, merely symbolic. We shall change many of the constants before the day is over—in fact, we may even change the circuit.”
“I shall require a notice before each change so that I may pass upon the legal aspects.”
“Walt,” said Don, “will you accompany me to a transparency experiment on the ninth level?”
“Be more than glad to,” said Walt. “Let’s go!”
They left the office quickly, and started for Joe’s. They had not reached the combined liquor vending and restaurant establishment when the communicator called for Channing. It was announcing the arrival of Barney Carroll, so instead of heading for Joe’s they went to the landing stage at the south end of the station to greet the visitor.
“Barney,” said Don, “of all the companies, why did you pick on Terran Electric?”
�Gave us the best deal,” said the huge, grinning man.
“Yeah, and they’re getting the best of my goat right now.”
“Well, Jim and I couldn’t handle anything as big as the power transmission setup. They paid out a large slice of jack for the complete rights. All of us are well paid now. After all, I’m primarily interested in Martian artifacts, you know.”
“I wonder if they had lawyers,” smiled Walt dryly.
“Probably. And, no doubt, the legals had a lot to do with the fall of the Martian civilization.”
“As it will probably get this one so wound up with red tape that progress will be impossible—or impractical,”
“Well, Barney, let’s take a run up to the lab,” said Channing. “We can make paper talk even if Brother Kingman won’t let us set it to soldering iron. There are a lot of things I want to ask you about the tube.”
They sat around a drawing table and Channing began to sketch. “What I’d hoped to do is this,” he said, drawing a schematic design. “We’re not interested in power transmission, but your gadget will do a bit of voltage amplification because of its utter indifference to the power-line problem of impedance matching. We can take a relay tube and put in ten watts, say, across ten thousand ohms. That means the input will be somewhat above three hundred volts. Now, if our output is across a hundred thousand ohms, ten watts will give us one thousand volte. So we can get voltage amplification at the expense of current—which we will not need. Unfortunately, the relay tube as well as the rest of the system will give out with the same kind of power that it is impressed with—so we’ll have amplification of driver radiation. Then we’ll need a detector. We haven’t been able to get one either yet, but this is a start, providing that Terran Electric will permit us to take a deep breath without wanting to pass on it.”
“I think you may be able to get amplification,” said Barney. “But to do it, you‘ll have to detect it first.”
“Sure. Before these darned things will work, this in-phase anode must be right on the beam. That means that you‘ll require a feedback circuit from the final stage to feed the in-phase anodes. Could be done without detection, I suppose.”
“Well, for one thing, we’re going to get some amplification if we change the primary anode—so. That won’t permit the thing to handle any power, but it will isolate the output from the input and permit more amplifications. Follow?”